Frenectomy Overiew
Post-Op Home Care
Functional Frenuloplasty
Baby Mouth Massage Exercises
Infant Tongue Tie - The Research
Infant Tongue Tie - The Research.pdf
Books Recommended by Dr. Skow
Sleep Wrecked Kids: Helping Parents Raise Happy, Healthy Kids, One Sleep at a Time
by Sharon Moore
Six-Foot Tiger, Three-Foot Cage: Take Charge of Your Health by Taking Charge of Your Mouth
by Dr. Felix Liao DDS
by Dr. Felix Liao DDS
Gasp!: Airway Health - The Hidden Path To Wellness
by Dr. Michael Gelb
Tongue-Tied: How a Tiny String Under the Tongue Impacts Nursing, Speech, Feeding, and More
by Richard Baxter DMD MS
Close Your Mouth: Buteyko Clinic Handbook for Perfect Health
by Patrick McKeown
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art
by James Nestor